Seasonal and GM/HBC

Bozzuto’s offers offers a strong Seasonal, General Merchandising and HBC program to Grocery Retailers. Make sure you don’t miss sales at key times of the year, or in HBC! Our flexible program fits Retailers of all sizes.
Seasonal Items
At Bozzuto's, we pride ourselves on supporting all your seasonal product needs with a multitude of full and varied merchandising catalogs teaming with a variety of seasonal offerings from summer suntan lotion, coolers and chairs, to winter shovels, scrapers, and sleds. Bozzuto’s provides everything you need to fulfill your entire year-round consumer driven sales.
GM and HBC
Bozzuto's offers programs to support your GM/HBC item needs with a strong catalog and merchandising plan from toothpaste and hair spray to band-aids. We understand that in your store it is important to provide a variety of items to meet the needs of your customer and can offer programs to meet your specific needs.